Russia defends veto of UN resolution to prohibit nukes in outer space

sport2024-06-03 18:52:0039937

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Russia on Monday defended its veto of a U.N. resolution urging all nations to prevent a nuclear arms race in outer space, challenging the U.S., Japan and their Western allies to support Moscow’s rival resolution calling for a ban on all weapons in space “for all time.”

Russia’s U.N. ambassador, Vassily Nebenzia, said the United States and Japan, which sponsored the vetoed resolution, are guilty of of “hypocrisy and double standards.” He accused the U.S. and Western nations more broadly of planning for the military exploration of outer space, including the deployment of weapons, in particular “strike combat systems.”

U.S. deputy ambassador Robert Wood countered, telling the U.N. General Assembly: “The truth is that Russia currently has several conventional anti-satellite weapons already in orbit, one of which it tested in 2019.” He added Russia has threatened to target satellites with weapons, and said there “is credible information that Russia is developing a new satellite carrying a nuclear device.”

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