Organizations Aim for Better Protection of Women with Revised Law

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Organizations Aim for Better Protection of Women with Revised Law

 May 13, 2023


The Women's Federation of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (in South China) and the Department of Justice of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region recently initiated a law-promotion campaign. Under the campaign, the justice bureaus and women's federations, at all levels across the region, will organize nearly 10,000 activities (within the year), to publicize, among residents of various areas in Guangxi, information about the revised Law on the Protection of Rights and Interests of Women. The law took effect on January 1, 2023.

The bureaus and the federations plan to invite hundreds of "docents" (composed of judges, procurators, lawyers, police officers, psychologists, community workers and cadres with the federations) to provide lectures, to help residents better understand the law, so they can better protect their legal rights and interests.


(Women of China English Monthly April 2023 issue)


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